Stitching Stories: My Artistic Response to a Walk with Ellie

‘How I created my artwork’ Transcript

“Hi, I'm Sarah, and I’m going to tell you a little bit about the creative process that made the art piece, which was a response to the walk with Ellie, which was recorded for the podcast.

I'm a textile artist, so I created a textile panel. During the course of the walk, Ellie and I collected some leaves and I also captured her profile by drawing around her outline with a piece of paper, which became a stencil for the fabric piece.

The leaves that we collected on the walk also directly influenced the fabric piece. I used the actual leaves in the printing, using a process of screen printing, relief printing and mono-printing.

There's some lovely comments about some of the leaves that we used on the podcast. Ellie described one of the leaves as looking like lace which was really beautiful and that actual leaf is in the print which is really lovely. There's also a few tiny little leaves which look like hearts which was also a bit of a theme in the podcast because the route we walked on was an area that Ellie really loves.

To finish off I've also used a little bit of embroidery in the fabric textile hanging just to highlight certain areas and give it another layer and a little bit more depth.”

Image by Ian Greenland

Listen to Elle and Sarahs episode of Crawley Stories.

Sarah Pimenta

Sarah Pimenta is a participatory artist, educator and printmaker known as Social Fabric.

The Lungs of Crawley


Transforming Walks into Words