Charlie Josephine (Writer) & Rob Watt (Director) Directors, Writers, Birds and Bees, Shows, Explode The Show, Writer, Charlie Josephine and Director, Rob Watt, discuss how Birds and Bees was created. You Might Also Like Milo McCarthy (Billy), Actor Dumile Sibanda (Leilah), Actor Lee Affen, Sound Designer Yami Löfvenberg, Movement Director Hector Murray, Lighting Designer
Charlie Josephine (Writer) & Rob Watt (Director) Directors, Writers, Birds and Bees, Shows, Explode The Show, Writer, Charlie Josephine and Director, Rob Watt, discuss how Birds and Bees was created. You Might Also Like Milo McCarthy (Billy), Actor Dumile Sibanda (Leilah), Actor Lee Affen, Sound Designer Yami Löfvenberg, Movement Director Hector Murray, Lighting Designer